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性别 : 男

最高学历 : 博士

研究方向 : 数字国土空间规划;土地系统建模

学术兼职 : 中国地理信息产业协会农业农村地理信息工委会委员;中国地理信息产业协会海洋时空信息工委会委员;中国测绘学会地图学与GIS专业委员会委员;教育部重点知识领域“数字国土空间构成”虚拟教研室秘书;中国城市规划学会、中国地理学会、中国土地学会、中国生态学会会员;Rig副主编,AJES、GJAIRD 期刊编委

联系方式 : jiangph@njau.edu.cn



南京农业大学教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才计划入选者、自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程(国土空间规划行业)青年科技人才、江苏省优秀青年基金项目获得者,长期从事数字国土空间规划与土地系统建模研究,在国土空间演变过程分析模型、国土空间管控数字模型以及自然资源和规划“一张图”研究方面取得系列创新成果,部分成果被《Innovations in Landscape Research》整体收录,深圳、长沙、合肥等地管理部门采纳并落地应用,获部省级特等奖、一等奖,被科学中国人、中国自然资源报专栏/头版头条报道。




[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,地理过程耦合的流域农业空间优化配置模型研究(42171395),主持

[2] 江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,数字化国土空间治理决策支持系统研究(BK20220126),主持

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,市域尺度耕地景观格局时空演变过程模型研究(41801298),主持

[4] 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,国土空间动态演变的多维建模和多场景仿真(2022YFC380080401),主持

[5] 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,一带一路重点廊道国土空间利用质量监测与评价研究(2017YFB050420508),主持

[6] 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,耕地景观格局时空演变模型与应用研究(BK20180348),主持

[7] 江苏省双创计划项目(双创博士),RSGIS支持的耕地资源保护研究(KY1707913),主持

[8] 国家留学基金委青年骨干教师研修计划项目,Land Use Planning and Management201806195040),主持

[9] 中央高校基本科研业务经费项目,市域尺度耕地景观格局时空演变过程模型研究

[10] 常州市科技服务项目,常州市钟楼区国土空间规划(2020-2035年)编制(0209151900),主持

[11] 江苏省科技服务项目,常州市国土空间总体规划(2020-2035年)专题-国土空间综合整治和生态修复(0209151846),主持

[12] 自然资源部、住建部双试点项目,长沙市国土空间总体规划(2020-2035年)专题-国土空间基础评价(0209151788),主持

[13] 常州市科技服务项目,常州市新北区沿江保护与发展(0209151884),主持

[14] 安徽省科技服务项目,合肥市土地利用总体规划调整完善数据库建设(0209151707),主持


[1] Jiang,Penghui*., Li,Manchun., Cheng,Liang. (2020) Dynamic Response of Agricultural Productivity to Landscape Structure Changes and Its Policy Implications of Chinese Farmland Conservation [J]. Resources Conservation and Recycling 156, 104724. SCI一区TOP期刊,自然资源类顶级期刊,IF=10.204

[2] Jiang,Penghui*.,Li,Manchun., Lv,Jiancheng. (2019) The causes of farmland landscape structural changes in different geographical environments [J]. Science of The Total Environment 685, 667-680.SCI一区TOP期刊,IF=7.963

[3] Jiang, Penghui., Cheng, Liang., Li, Manchun., Zhao, Ruifeng., Duan, Yuewei. (2015) Impacts of LUCC on soil properties in the riparian zones of desert oasis with remote sensing data: a case study of the middle Heihe River basin, China [J]. Science of the Total Environment 506, 259-271. SCI一区TOP期刊,IF=7.963

[4] Jiang,Penghui*., Li,Manchun., Sheng,Yong. (2020) Spatial regulation design of farmland landscape around cities in China: A case study of Changzhou City [J]. CITIES 97, 102504.SSCI一区,城市地理学顶级期刊,IF=5.835

[5] Jiang, Penghui., Cheng, Qianwen., Zhuang, Zhuzhou., Tang, Haoqing., Li, Manchun#., Cheng, Liang#., Jin, Xiaolong. (2018) The dynamic mechanism of landscape structure change of arable landscape system in China [J]. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 251, 26-36.SCI一区TOP期刊,农林综合类顶级期刊,IF=5.567

[6] Jiang, Penghui., Cheng, Liang., Li, Manchun., Zhao, Ruifeng., Huang, Qiuhao. (2014) Analysis of landscape fragmentation processes and driving forces in wetlands in arid areas: A case study of the middle reaches of the Heihe River, China [J]. Ecological Indicators 46, 240-252. SCI一区,IF=4.958

[7] Jiang,Penghui*., Chen,Dengshuai., Li,Manchun. (2021) Farmland Landscape Fragmentation Evolution and Its Driving Mechanism from Rural to Urban: A Case Study of Changzhou City [J]. Journal of Rural Studies 82, 1-18. SSCI一区,乡村研究顶级期刊,IF=4.849

[8] Jiang,Penghui*., Cheng,Qianwen., Gong,Yuan., Wang,Liyan., Zhang,Yunqian., Cheng,Liang., Li,Manchun., Lu,Jiancheng., Duan,Yuewei., Huang,Qiuhao., Chen,Dong. (2016) Using urban development boundaries to constrain uncontrolled urban sprawl in China [J]. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 6, 1321-1343.SSCI一区,地理学顶级期刊,IF=4.683

[9] Chen,Dengshuai., Zhao, Qiqi., Jiang, Penghui*., Li, Manchun. (2022) Incorporating ecosystem services to assess progress towards sustainable development goals: A case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 806: 151277.SCI一区TOP期刊,IF=7.963

[10] Chen,Dengshuai., Jiang, Penghui*., Li, Manchun. (2021) Assessing potential ecosystem service dynamics driven by urbanization in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 292, 112734. (SCI一区,环境管理领域顶刊,IF=6.789)

[11] Cheng, Qianwen., Jiang, Penghui*., Cai, Lingyan., Shan, Jinxia., Zhang, Yunqian., Wang, Liyan., Li Manchun & Chen, Dong. (2017). Delineation of a permanent basic farmland protection area around a city centre: Case study of Changzhou City. China [J]. Land Use Policy, 60, 73-89. (SSCI一区,土地管理领域顶刊, IF=5.398)

[12] Cheng, Liang., Jiang, Penghui*., Chen, Wei., Li, Manchun., Wang, Liyan., Gong, Yuan., Pian, Yuzhe., Xia, Nan., Duan, Yuewei., Huang, Qiuhao. (2015) Farmland protection policies and rapid urbanization in China: A case study for Changzhou City [J]. Land Use Policy, 48, 552-566. (SSCI一区,土地管理领域顶刊,IF=5.398)

[13] Gao,Yu., Li, Manchun., Jiang,Penghui*. (2020) Land-type mapping and its application to land-use zoning: A case study of Jiangsu province, eastern China [J]. Journal of Maps, 16(2), 848-855, (SSCI, IF=2.709)

[14] Jin, Xiaolong., Jiang, Penghui #*(共一)., Du, Haoyang., Chen, Dengshuai., Li, Manchun.2021Response of local temperature variation to land cover and land use intensity changes in China over the last 30 years [J]. Climatic Change, 164(3-4): 34. (SCI一区,IF=4.743)

[15] Gao, Yu., Jiang, Penghui#*(共一)., Li, Manchun. (2021) Spatial Planning Zoning Based on Land-type Mapping: A Case Study in Changzhou City, Eastern China[J]. Journal of Land Use Science 16:5-6, 498-521. (SSCI一区,IF= 2.885)

[16] Cheng, Liang., Xia, Nan., Jiang, Penghui*., Zhong, Lishan., Pian, Yuzhe., Duan, Yuewei., Huang, Qiuhao., Li, Manchun. (2015) Analysis of farmland fragmentation in China Modernization Demonstration Zone since “Reform and Openness”: a case study of South Jiangsu Province [J]. Scientific Reports, 5, 11797. (SCI一区,IF=4.379)

[17] Chen, Dengshuai., Pan, Yuqi., Jin, Xiaolong., Du, Haoyang., Li, Manchun., Jiang, Penghui*. (2021) The delineation of ecological redline area for catchment sustainable management from the perspective of ecosystem services and social needs: A case study of the Xiangjiang watershed, China. Ecological Indicators 121, 107130SCI一区,IF=4.229

[18] Li, Kaiyuan., Jin, Xiaolong., Ma, Danxun., & Jiang, Penghui*. (2019). Evaluation of Resource and Environmental Carrying Capacity of China’s Rapid-Urbanization Areas—A Case Study of Xinbei District, Changzhou [J]. Land, 8(4), 69. (SSCIIF=3.395)

[19] Wang, Liyan., Li, Feixue., Gong, Yuan., Jiang, Penghui*, Huang, Qiuhao., Hong, Wuyang., & Chen, Dong. (2016) A quality assessment of national territory use at the city level: A planning review perspective [J]. Sustainability, 8, 145. (SSCIIF=3.251)

[20] Tang, Haoqing., Jiang, Penghui*., Du, Haoyang., Cheng, Qianwen., & Li, Manchun. (2022). Evaluation of Municipal Territorial Utilisation Quality in New-Type Urbanisation: A Case Study of Changzhou, China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 1-22SCIIF=2.043.

[21] Jin, Xiaolong., Jiang, Penghui., Li, Manchun., Gao, Yu., & Yang, Lin. (2022). Mapping Chinese land system types from the perspectives of land use and management, biodiversity conservation and cultural landscape. Ecological Indicators, 141, 108981SCI一区,IF=6.263.

[22] Zhang, Han., Ouyang, Zhencheng., Jiang, Penghui., Li, Manchun., & Zhao, Xiaomin. (2022). Spatial distribution patterns and influencing factors of soil carbon, phosphorus, and C: P ratio on farmlands in southeastern China. Catena, 216, 106409SCI一区,IF=6.367.

[23] Li, Feixue., Wang, Liyan., Chen, Zhenjie., Clarke, K. C., Li, Manchun., Jiang, Penghui. (2018). Extending the sleuth model to integrate habitat quality into urban growth simulation [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 217, 486-498. (SCI一区, IF=6.789)

[24] Zong, Wenwen., Cheng, Liang., Xia, Nan., Jiang, Penghui., Wei, Xiaoyan., Zhang, Fangli., Jin, Baoxuan., Zhou, Junsong., Li, Manchun. (2018) New technical framework for assessing the spatial pattern of land development in Yunnan Province, China: A "production-life-ecology" perspective [J]. Habitat International, 80: 28-40. (SSCI一区,IF=5.369)

[25] Chen, Yanming., Yao, Mengru., Zhao, Qiqi., Chen, Zhenjie., Jiang, Penghui., Li, Manchun., Chen, Dong. (2020) Delineation of a basic farmland protection zone based on spatial connectivity and comprehensive quality evaluation: A case study of Changsha City, China [J]. Land Use Policy, 101, 105145. (SSCI一区,土地管理领域顶刊,IF=5.398)

[26] Du,Haoyang., Zhou,Chen., Jiang,Penghui., Jin,Xiaolong., Chen,Shuying., Chen,Dengshuai., Li,Manchun., Chen,Dong. (2020) Changes in local climatic factors under different oasis-town configurations in an arid region: a case study of Hami Oasis [J]. Climatic Change 161(9), 517-534.SCI一区,IF=4.743

[27] Jin, Xiaolong., Jiang, Penghui., Ma, Danxun., & Li, Manchun. (2019). Land system evolution of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau under various development strategies [J]. Applied Geography, 104, 1-9.SSCI一区,IF=4.24

[28] Xia, Nan., Wang, Yajun., Xu, Hao., Sun, Yuefan., Yuan, Yi., Cheng, Liang., Jiang, Penghui. (2016). Demarcation of prime farmland protection areas around a metropolis based on high-resolution satellite imagery [J]. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 37634. (SCI一区,IF=4.379)

[29] Cheng, Liang., Pian, Yuzhe., Chen, Zhenjie., Jiang, Penghui., Liu, Yongxue., & Chen, Gang., Du, Peijun. (2016). Hierarchical filtering strategy for registration of remote sensing images of coral reefs [J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(7), 3304-3313. (SCI, IF=3.784)

[30] Zhang, Yunqian., Chen, Zhenjie., Cheng, Qianwen., Zhou, Chen., Jiang, Penghui., Li, Manchun., Chen, Dong. (2016). Quota Restrictions on Land Use for Decelerating Urban Sprawl of Mega City: A Case Study of Shanghai, China [J]. Sustainability, 8, 968. (SSCIIF=3.251)

[31] Li, Feixue., Gong, Yuan., Cai, Lingyan., Sun, Chongyuan., Chen, Yanming., Liu, Yongxue., Jiang, Penghui. (2018). Sustainable land-use allocation: a multi-objective particle swarm optimization model and application in changzhou, china [J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 144(2), 04018010.SSCIIF=2

[32] Jiang, Penghui., Li, Manchun. Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes, Chapter 11: Analysing Structure Change of Arable Landscape Systems in China: A Methodical Approach and its Application [M]. Springer Nature, 2021.


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[5] 一种基于 SLEUTH 模型的城市开发边界预测方法,CN201910437849.8

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[1] 教育部科技进步奖,一等奖,教育部,2023,序8/24 

[2] 地理信息科技进步奖,特等奖,中国地理信息产业协会,2021,序3/30

[3] 国土资源科学技术奖,一等奖,自然资源部,2019,序9/15

[4] 第一届全国乡村规划优秀案例,中国土地学会,2018,序8/15

[5] 江苏省优秀博士学位论文,江苏省教育厅、江苏省学位委员会,2018,序1

[6] 全国高校GIS新锐奖,全国高校GIS论坛组委会,2018,序1

[7] 中国土地学会青年优秀论文奖,一等奖,中国土地学会,2018,序1/2

[8] 江苏省优秀国土空间规划奖,二等奖,江苏省自然资源厅,2021,序8/15